UI changes for ePUB experience, new touch based interactions, bug fixes
Release Date
Key features
This release introduces UI changes that make the EPUB experience more user friendly, new touch based interactions for mobile and tablet devices, and a few defect fixes.
EPUB experience
Fixes an issue where 100px of dead space are padded below the EPUB reader in the Engage window.
UI changes direct users attempting to upload an EPUB to work through Unizin Services to deliver that content in Engage to their students.
Touch-based interactions
New touch based interactions. We have redesigned Engage's touch interactions for mobile and tablet devices. Engage now uses more modern libraries and has improved performance.
Miscellaneous fixes
Notifications can now be dismissed by the user (rather than just waiting for them to disappear).
Fixes issue in All notes view where question counts may be inaccurate
IE 11 user interface fixes: user menu, upload experience
Known Issues
Last updated