Opt-Out & Invoicing Policy (Order Tool)

Following the bill-after date, Unizin will begin the invoicing process for digital course materials purchased for that section. Unizin accounts for opt-outs, title exemptions, payment waivers, and entitlements when invoicing the institution. Please see the institutional statement specifications for more information.

In order to ensure a smooth invoicing process, student opt-outs must be submitted to Unizin no later than the section's bill-after date. If a student submits an opt-out request to an institution after the bill-after date, it is up to that institution to determine whether to accept the request and refund (or not charge) the student. If the institution accepts the request, however, the institution remains financially responsible for the digital course material(s) purchased by the student. Please note that, once the bill-after date has passed, billable enrollments are automatically recorded and refunds cannot be processed for finalized purchases.

As a best practice, Unizin strongly recommends that institutions set each section's student choice* end date, and relevant session's bill-after date, to the same date as the drop-add deadline. By doing so, institutions can avoid confusion for students regarding billing. Student choice end dates and bill-after dates are configured in Order Tool through SIS Feed 2.0.

Otherwise, the student choice end date must occur on or before the bill-after date. In addition, the bill-after date must occur within a reasonable timeframe after the drop-add deadline for the section. Unizin's policy is to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether to accept student opt-out requests (from the institution) that are submitted after the relevant section's student choice period has closed but prior to the section's bill-after date. Unizin cannot guarantee that these requests will be accepted, but we will make a best-effort attempt to do so.

*Student choice refers to the institution's opt-out policy.

Last updated