Final declined offers feed

Order Tool's Final Declined Offers feed provides institutions with a complete list of students who declined offers of digital course materials in a particular term. That is, the Final Declined Offers feed presents, based on student choice and entitlements, the list of students who should not be charged for particular digital course materials. The Final Declined Offers feed includes all student choices and entitlements active on a given date. However, student choices are not deemed final until the bill-after date for the session that a section is a part of has passed, at which point all opt-outs and automatically declined offers due to an entitlement are included in the file.


The Final Declined Offers feed is formatted as a comma-separated value (CSV) file. Order Tool outputs this file to the FTP server for the institution to pull down. The file path is as follows:


Every Final Declined Offers feed file is term-specific; therefore, multiple Final Declined Offers feed files may be reported to an institution on any given day.

For each term, Order Tool will generate the Final Declined Offers feed during the following period:

  • Starting once student enrollments for a term have been received

  • Ending once the final bill-after date for all sessions in a term has passed

During this period, the Final Declined Offers feed is generated daily at 8:00 am UTC and immediately uploaded to the FTP server.

Please note that, while generated daily, the Final Declined Offers feed captures declined offers for a moment in time in a given term. In other words, each file is a current accounting of all declined course material offers by students, for a particular term, at that point in time. These offers are considered final once the bill-after date for a corresponding session in a term has passed.

Final Declined Offers feeds are generated for both the production (PROD) and user acceptance testing (UAT) environments. Institutions may use the same FTP server credentials they use to push their data integration for Order Tool in the PROD and UAT environments.

Filename schema

The Final Declined Offers feed is a single CSV file reported for each term. This feed reports on all declined offers by students for the term. Consequently, the file's contents will only grow over time. The filename format of the Final Declined Offers feed is as follows:


Where <sis_term_id> is the institution's SIS identifier for the term.

File format

The Final declined offers feed is formatted as a CSV file with the following properties:

  • All values are in double-quotes.

  • If no value is required or available for a field, the string "null" is the value, not a blank.

  • All lines are terminated with a UTF-8 Unix style newline.

  • The escape character is a backslash (\\).

  • Timestamps are in ISO 8601 format and must include the time (e.g., `2020-12-15 04:35`).

File contents

The contents of the Final Declined Offers feed has the following schema.

Field name
Data type



The SIS identifier for the student who declined the offer and therefore should not be billed, per the institution's data integration with Order Tool.



The student's first name, per the institution's data integration with Order Tool.



The student's last name, per the institution's data integration with Order Tool.



The student's email address, per the institution's data integration with Order Tool.



The SIS identifier of the academic term corresponding to the course and section in which the student declined to purchase the course material.



The name of the academic term corresponding to the sis_term_id.



The SIS identifier of the course corresponding to the section in which the student declined the offer to purchase the course material.



The course subject corresponding to the sis_course_id.



The course number corresponding to the sis_course_id.



The course title corresponding to the sis_course_id.



The SIS identifier of the section in which the student declined the offer to purchase the course material.



The lms_id corresponding to the section.



The section label corresponding to the sis_section_id.



This value is a unique identifier for each content item available in Unizin's Master Catalog. It is the same content_id provided in the Order Feed.



The Unizin slug corresponding to the content_id.



The course material title corresponding to the content_id.



The list price corresponding to the content_id.



The Unizin offer price, which is the exact price Unizin charges institutions for content, corresponding to the content_id.



The reason, asserted by the student, why they declined to purchase the digital course material. If the student had an entitlement and did not need to repurchase the material to receive it, the offer declined reason will be "The student has an entitlement (automatic)".



The date (YYYY-MM-DD) when the student choice period ended for the section in which this student declined to purchase the digital course material.

Processing the feed

The Final Declined Offers feed contains all declined offers at a specific time in a given term. It is a full accounting of all declined course materials up to that date. Given that there likely are multiple student choice periods in an academic term, it is recommended that institutions process the feed daily to properly charge students for their course material purchases. Please note however that declined offers may change up to the bill-after date, after which declined offers are considered final.

Things to keep in mind

Please note that any student with only one entitlement record will not appear in the Final Declined Offers Feed. In the future, if the same title adoption is offered to a student in a new term or a second entitlement record is captured in a new term, from this point, the student will be included in the Final Declined Offers Feed.

In the event that the exact same adoption is being offered to a student for the first time in the same term in multiple courses, perhaps two courses as an example, then only one record of an entitlement is captured and will appear in the Final Declined Offers Feed. Multiple entitlements will not be created for the same title offered in many courses in the same term because at least one of those courses will assume a fee should be charged to the student for the materials. Depending on how many courses offer the same adoption will depend upon how many entitlement records appear in the feed. In the example of a student being offered a title in two courses in the same term for the first time, only one entitlement record will exist. The purchase history in the Order Tool user interface indicates that the same title has been adopted within the same term, but it does not mean that a student was actually charged for that title twice. It simply represents that the student has the same title offered in two courses in the same term at the same time with the price listed, and the existing term is when the initial (one time) charge will occur for the student. Only institutions may charge students for the purchase of digital materials. The Final Declined Offers Feed is not intended to be used as an invoice. Rather, it is a feed that captures all records of student choices and entitlements for a term in order to provide data to an institution so they may determine what students should not be charged.\


Last updated