
Order Tool

Catalog Search Optimization

Key features

Optimizes search for both the offer catalog and master catalog by dramatically decreasing search times.


See additional release information below including minor bug fixes.

Catalog Search Optimization

This feature optimizes search for both the offer catalog and master catalog by indexing database records. Based on testing, search times have decreased by 88% to 95% depending on the search criteria. This improvement will facilitate more efficient ordering processes for program administrators, course coordinators, and instructors.

Student Choice Bug Fixes

You can now access the My Courses view for students without enrollments. For program administrator + student users, you will no longer receive a false "Changes Not Saved" confirmation modal after placing an order. The first name and last name table headers in the Students view are now displaying data in the correct order.

Additional Bug Fixes

You can now select the Order Tool logo to return to your home page. Users with multiple profiles such as instructor + course coordinator and student + program administrator can expect more reliable service in the application.

Known Issues


Last updated


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