
In Order Tool, users may be granted one or more Profiles. Profiles are roles that enable different ordering permissions and workflows.

The Unizin Order Tool supports three Profiles: Instructor, Coordinator, and Program Administrator. All user Profiles may order digital content for course sections. The difference lies in the set of courses for which they can place orders:

  • Instructors may place orders for the courses they're assigned to teach.

  • Coordinators may place orders on behalf of Instructors, based on permissions granted to them by their institution.

  • Program Administrators may place orders on behalf of Instructors and Coordinators for all Course and Sections at the institution.

These three Profiles enable Institutions to use the Order Tool in support of a range of content ordering practices.

Why are profiles useful?

Profiles enable different ordering processes within an institution.

The Instructor profile enables Institutions to support a conventional method of content ordering. Faculty and Instructors place orders during a Term's ordering period for their own courses.

The Coordinator profile enables Institutions to support content ordering practices where content selection is a matter of departmental, curricular, or program policy. Alternatively, Coordinators may also play the role of department staff who submit content orders in place of Faculty.

Coordinators are granted access to order content based on permissions determined by their institution.

During the Unizin Order Tool's implementation, Unizin will work with your institution to identify Coordinators and properly grant them permissions to order content. Institutions may also submit a Services ticket to add, remove, or change Coordinator permissions. The Program Administrator profile enables users who are managing the activity and growth of their institutions' digital content programs to administer the back-office processes necessary to support the ordering of Instructors and Coordinators. Unlike Coordinators and Instructors, Program Administrators are not bound by open ordering periods. In addition to having the ability to place orders and review the history of orders placed via the Courses and Order History views, Program Administrators will also have access to exclusive tooling that will enable these users to manage the back-office processes necessary to maintain and grow our institutions' digital content programs.

Does the interface differ by profile?


The interfaces differ to support the different, unique workflows of each user. Users with multiple Profiles will see their highest level of application permissions described in User menu. Each user will see any tasks and actions they have permissions for in the application.

Last updated