Expanded table: Canvas edApp mapping
A feature of the expanded table is a consolidation or normalization of Canvas ed_app values to allow for easier reporting. Canvas sends a variety of ed_app values in its Caliper events data. For reporting purposes, it’s often useful to combine these events into a single representation of data generated from Canvas.
Unconsolidated edApp values
In the query example below, we display unconsolidated ed_app values that may be found in the legacy event store table of the UDP.
This query pulled all events from University of Michigan's UDP event store between June 1, 2021, and June 30, 2021. The ed_app values contain something related to “canvas” or “instructure.” In this example, the top 10 rows based on the number of events are returned. All of these events are generated from Canvas, but as we can see, the ed_app values are very diverse.
Normalizing these ed_app values can make event store reporting easier.
Consolidated edApp values
In the query example below, we display the consolidated ed_app values that may be found in the expanded event store.
This query considers the same window of events as the first example above, June 1 - June 30, 2021. Similarly, we search for the same conditions in the ed_app, containing either “instructure” or “canvas.” This time, we see only two values returned for the same events in scope. These consolidated or "normalized" ed_app values make reporting on Canvas events more straightforward.
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