
UDP Marts

Taskforce, Tool Usage Metrics, and Student Activity Score Logic/Calc Changes


Release Date

November 21, 2024

Key Features

  • Adding considerations for academic_session dates when resolving week_in_term numbers. Making this logic consistent with the student activity score and other UDP data marts.

  • Introducing a new helper table called mart_helper.context__taskforce__assignments_submissions that helps pre-aggregate assignment and submission data. Within this helper table, we introduce an is_quiz boolean field to designate whether assignments and submissions are quizzes.

  • Introducing _cumulative_ fields for submission scoring fields (e.g. avg_published_score now has a cumulative variant called avg_published_score_cumulative). The non-cumulative field only has scope of its week_in_term. The corresponding cumulative fields have scope of the its week_in_term and all previous weeks.

  • Introduced new helper table called mart_helper.event__general__tool_usage_preagg that helps preaggregate the Caliper tool usage data. This allows us to make some schema and granularity improvements to the final mart.

  • We introduce 1-hour, 6-hour, and 12-hour metric fields in mart_general.tool_usage_metrics. This now allows usage tracking of each Caliper-emitting tool to be done at an hourly level. The datamart now updates once-per-hour instead of once-per-day.

  • A new flag called low_hourly_events_flag that signals if we see strangely low activity in the last hour for a tool. The logic for setting the values of this flag is tiered and explained in the mart documentation page linked above. This flag can be leveraged for any reporting or alerting; however, it is a downstream calculation and is not on its own authoritative to denote an outage.

  • We removed a filter to require sis_ext_id for students to be included in the student activity score marts. Removing this filter makes these marts more useful for tenants without SIS data ingested into the UDP.

  • We removed a hard filter for requiring 10 enrolled students in courses/course_sections to compute a student activity score. We now added a boolean flag called course_has_10_or_more_students in the course_final and course_section_final table. If users wish to replicate results that stay true to the 10-student requirement, including WHERE course_has_10_or_more_students = 1 in user queries will make that happen.

  • The 10-enrolled student filter is still enforced in the final mart table. The scope of this mart is beyond any single course, so we decided to keep the 10-student filter for the final mart table.

Last updated


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