Course structures (ERD)
The UCDM includes a number of entities to represent Course structures. These entities represent the organizing pedagogical structures of courses in digital learning environments.
The Course structure entities in the Unizin Common Data Model are as follows:
Course offering
An institutional offering of organized subject matter and learner activities chosen by learners in an academic term.
Course section
An administrative and instructional sub-organization of a Course offering. Instructors may be assigned to one or more sections of a particular Course offering.
The function assumed by a Person in a particular situation.
A means of organizing content to help control the flow of a course.
Module item
A specific piece of course content in a Module.
Module item completion
An indication that a Person has completed a particular Module item.
Module progression
The progress that a Person has made towards completing a specific Module.
Learner group
A pedagogically-oriented group of learners in a course. This concept is distinct from Course section, which is an administrative grouping of learners.
Learning outcome
Measurable statements that express student knowledge or a student skill.
Learning outcome item response
The result of a learner responding to a Learning outcome question.
Learning outcome rubric criteria
The criteria by which a learner will be assessed on a given Learning outcome.
Learning outcome result
The result of a learner being assessed on a Learner outcome.
Learning outcome group
A grouping of related Learning outcomes.
A web resource with a body, which is a comment or other descriptive resource, and a single target that the body is somehow about.
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
The following Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) represents the UCDM's Course structure entities and their relationships.
Academic structures ERD only
This diagram only represents entities in the Course structures section of the Unizin Common Data Model. Any relationships with entities outside of the Course structures section of the UCDM are not shown here
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