My Learning Analytics

My Learning Analytics (MyLA) is a dashboard that provides students with information about their engagement with course materials and resources, assignments, and grades in a Canvas course. A set of three learning analytics data visualizations have been designed to:

  • reveal behavioral patterns associated with good learning skills,

  • guide decisions about actions students can take that may improve their academic outcomes,

  • and provide a transparent view of students’ course standing.

For ease of use, these visualizations can be accessed directly from the Canvas course navigation or from the relevant page view in Canvas, placing the links where the students already go for course-related information.

MyLA was developed as a collaborative project between researchers from the School of Information and School of Education partnering with ITS Teaching & Learning.

Learn more about My Learning Analytics from the University of Michigan.

Implementing MyLA as a service

My Learning Analytics is hosted by Unizin and offered as a service for Unizin member institutions. Although fully-managed, Unizin Services requires information from Member institutions to configure a member's MyLA instance. MyLA also depends on the Unizin Data Platform and the Unizin Data Warehouse, both of which need to be configured prior to installing MyLA.

Finally, Canvas administrators need to install MyLA as an LTI application in their LMS.

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