SSO integration

The Unizin Order Tool requires an SSO integration. It is expected that Institutions have implemented SSO via Shibboleth.

Unizin is a member of the InCommon Federation. The Unizin Order Tool is registered as a Service Provider (SP) in InCommon. Note, the Unizin Order Tool appears twice in the InCommon Federation Service Provider metadata – one for the Order Tool's production environment (PROD), another for the Order Tool's user acceptance testing environment (UAT). The Unizin Order Tool is not an LTI tool.

Both Unizin Order Tool service providers must be integrated with your Institution's Identity Provider (IdP).

Service provider details

The EntityID for the Unizin Order Tool in PROD and UAT is as follows:



SAML2 Attributes required

The Unizin Order Tool requires the following attributes to be released by an Institutional IdP

  • eduPersonPrincipalName (i.e., EPPN)

  • givenName

  • sn

  • mail

  • eduPersonScopedAffiliation

Unizin's PROD Order Tool is categorized in InCommon as a Research and Scholarship SP. This may make the process of releasing attributes for it easier. Per InCommon regulations, the UAT Order Tool cannot be categorized as a Research and Scholarship SP.

Last updated