Order feed changes

Order Tool

Order feed changes


Release Date


Key features

The Order Tool's "order feed," which reports submitted orders back to institutions on a daily and weekly basis during an ordering period, will now include additional data to comply with HEOA and Schedule of Classes reporting requirements.


The Order Tool's "order feed" will now include three new columns:

  • publication_date. The date that the title was published by the publisher. This will be a date value in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).

  • searchable_isbn. This ISBN is intended to be that which, if used in a web search, will most plausibly find the title. In this regard, this is the ISBN that should be reported in a Schedule of Classes. Unizin guarantees that this field will have a value if and only if the title has any ISBN values associated with it. If the title does not have an ISBN value, this field will be null.

  • delivery_solution. Describes the delivery solution used to deliver the title. At present, only two values will be possible: "Unizin Engage" and "Publisher DLT" (in the case of publisher hosted courseware).

The Order Tool's "order feed" will also remove the following column:

  • print_isbn. This is deprecated in favor of searchable_isbn.

For more details on changes to the order feed, please look at our Knowledge Base Documentation of Automated reporting.

Known Issues


Last updated