
This section of the documentation describes all information required to implement the Unizin Order Tool at your institution. If you wish to begin an implementation, please submit an implementation request to Unizin Services to start implementing the Unizin Order Tool.

There are three main dimensions of an implementation:

  • SIS Data Integration. The Unizin Order Tool requires a data integration with your Student Information System (SIS).

  • SSO integration. The Unizin Order Tool authenticates and authorizes users via your Institution's Single Sign-on implementation.

  • UI customizations. Customize the look and feel of the Unizin Order Tool.

The Order Tool produces a few reports once implemented:

  • Order Feed. The Order Tool has automated reporting processes. Most are designed for institutions to consume data to further run business processes related to content ordering. This report is made available directly to an institution.

  • Final declined offers feed. (If applicable). Order Tool's final declined offers feed provides institutions with a complete list of students who declined offers of digital course materials in a particular term. Student choices are not deemed final until the bill-after date for the section has passed, at which point all opt-outs and automatically declined offers due to an entitlement are included in the feed. This feed is only made available to institution's who implement Student Choice. This report is made available directly to an institution.

  • Publisher report. During open Ordering periods, Unizin provides Publishers with a report describing where their content has been adopted. This report is made available directly to the publisher representatives.

Last updated