Reordering Reminder Email Notifications

Order Tool

Reordering Reminder Email Notifications


Release Date


Key features

Email notifications are delivered to notify Instructors and Course Coordinators that "ordering is open" and “ordering is closing,” based on the ordering period start date and soft-close dates that are configured for a particular term. Course Coordinators or Instructors who have ordering permissions for a course (in the upcoming term) for which an order has been placed in the past are eligible to receive these email reminder notifications.


Reordering reminder email notification

On the ordering period start date configured for a term, email notification reminders will be delivered to Instructors and Course Coordinators who have a reordering option available for a course’s section for which they have teaching assignments or permissions and who have not yet placed an order for the upcoming term.

Reordering email reminder notifications are delivered at 5AM UTC (Midnight EST) on the date the ordering period opens (i.e. the ordering period start date).

Ordering period deadline approaching email notification

Seven days prior to an upcoming ordering period soft-close date, a reminder email will be delivered, notifying Instructors and Course Coordinators of the upcoming deadline approaching. This email will remind users to be sure they place their orders on time before the deadline approaches.

The ordering-period-closing email reminder notifications are delivered at 5AM UTC (Midnight EST) seven days prior to the ordering period soft-close date.

Things to note

Both Instructors and Course Coordinators will receive at most one email reminder notification when the ordering period opens, and a second email reminder notification when the ordering period closes.

These email reminders are disabled by default. If your institution would like to enable the reordering reminder email notifications described, please reach out to Unizin’s Services team via email at to submit a request for the emails to be enabled for your Order Tool tenant. Please see additional documentation on our Resources Site.

Known Issues


Last updated