Schedule of Classes
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Last updated
The Schedule of Classes (SoC) enables Program Administrators (PA) to monitor the activity and growth of their digital content programs with visibility into the ordering activity of users across their institutions. The SoC provides PAs with ordering information as ordering across the institution unfolds. Data is imported regularly from the institution's records to the SoC to reflect all sections and courses and whether or not they are on an order of any open ordering period.
The SoC displays all sections that are visible to Order Tool and any orders that have been placed for those sections. PAs can filter and sort classes, so they can monitor and direct the ordering processes for each section.
The following image is a brief summary of the filters and functions available from the main page of the SoC.
PAs can filter the results by Course Subject and Instructor Name. For the Course Subject filter, PAs can type the course subject name into the drop-down field. For the Instructor Name filter, PAs can either type the first name, last name or both into the field. This filter is not case-sensitive.
PAs can sort the results by the columns presented: either the CSN (short for Course Subject & Number), the Section (pulled from the class_number data values via the data integration), the Section Type, Instructor(s), or Order ID. In order to sort the results by any of these columns, simply navigate to the name of the column and click it.
Once any number of sections have been selected from the SoC results view, the Send Message button will be clickable. Clicking on that button will open the Email page, which allows PAs to contact any or all of the Coordinators and Instructors associated with the selected Section(s).
All Instructors and Coordinators are selected by default:
The Templates button allows PAs to save an existing message as a template that can be used again by any PA at your institution. All templates are shared between all PAs at an institution. Adding or deleting templates will affect all PAs and access to that template. Once an email has been sent, all selected recipients will receive a message containing the Subject and Message text from the SoC tool and a button linking to the Order Tool.
Once an email has been sent, all PAs at your institution will receive an email notification. This is provided as a means to avoid multiple PAs contacting the same Instructors and Coordinators.