Course filtering

The Course filters enable users to narrow down the list of courses presented in the Courses view. By narrowing down the list, users can more quickly find a course for which they wish to order content. This feature is useful to users, particularly Coordinators, who may have permission to order on behalf of dozens or hundreds of Instructors.

The Course filters are presented to users who are able to order for more than 20 courses across all of the open Ordering periods.

Users select filtering criteria with the Course filters.

The following criteria may be applied:

  • Academic term

  • Campus (if applicable)

  • Course level (e.g., "Undergrad")

  • Course subject (e.g., BIO)

  • Course number (e.g., "101")

  • Section type (e.g., "Lecture")

Note: The particular values for the above variables will vary by implementation.


Terms and Campus

The Terms and Campus course filters and their menus provide a "drop-down" selection interaction. As users click these drop-down menus, the list of available options appear for selection.

If a user has access to order content for multiple Terms or Campuses, these filters will appear at the top of the page to narrow the results which are displayed for any subsequent searches.

Course Subject and Course Levels

The Course Subject and Course Levels course filters provide a "type ahead" interaction. As users type their search criteria, the list of available options in the menus shrink to match the criteria. For example, if you begin typing "BIO" into the Course Subject filter, then the list of Course Subjects shrinks to Courses that start with "BIO."

Course Number and Instructor Name

The Course Number and Instructor Name course filters allow free text input – users may type whatever values they wish for these filters directly in the text box.

Section Type

The Section Type filter includes various types of sections that are offered for a particular course.

Multiple filter criteria

Users may enter more than one filter criteria in the course filters available. The following rules are applied to the search when multiple filters are selected:

  • A logical "or" applies to multiple criteria in the same filter.

  • A logical "and" applies to the criteria of multiple filters.

For example, in the filter criteria applied below, the Order Tool will present all Courses whose Course subjects begin with AAAD-A, whose Course number is 561, whose Course level is UGRD, and whose Instructor name is Yoda.

Last updated


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