Student Prices

Order Tool

Student Prices


Release Date


Key features

Delivers a student price feature that describes how much a student will pay (or another party on their behalf) for the purchase of digital course materials. This allows institutions to apply a percent markup to the offer price available through vendor agreements. If an institution does not have a markup fee, the student price will be the same as the offer price. Institutions may choose to implement a markup fee to fund their digital content program or digital teaching and learning technologies ecosystem. Unizin supports this markup fee for these institutions and will automatically apply it when generating and loading offer catalogs.


Additional information on the student price feature is outlined below.

  • A list price, offer price, and student price is captured for every offer. The list price is the national catalog price for the digital course material. The offer price is the discounted price agreed upon with the vendor. The student price is the price that a student will pay (or another party on their behalf) for the purchase of the digital course material.

  • Unizin supports a percent markup for our institutions. The percent markup must be communicated ahead of the ordering period, and the same markup is applied across all offers of digital course materials. The student price is the offer price plus the percent markup configured for your institution. If your institution does not have a markup, this will not be configured. The student price will be the same as the offer price.

  • The list price, offer price, and student price is set once imported into Order Tool. If your institution’s markup fee changes, those changes can be applied for the academic terms associated with the next ordering period.

  • In the Order Tool, all users will see the student price instead of the offer price. This price will be reflected in the Master Catalog, Offer Catalog, Order History, and Student views. The percent discount will be calculated based on the list price and student price.

  • When offers are imported through the Institutional Catalog Import, the percent markup configured for your institution is automatically applied to calculate the student price. If your institution does not have a markup fee, then the student price will be the same as the offer price.

  • Order Feed 3.0 is now available. This feed includes a student price field. When your institution is ready to support this version, please coordinate with the Unizin Services team to implement it.

  • When a content request is approved and the catalog item is added to the order, the content request will be hidden so that only the catalog item is visible on the order. This will reduce redundancy in the order and more clearly describe what materials are being delivered for the course.

Known Issues


Last updated