Using Analytics (New)
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Engage offers insight into who's reading and interacting with content in your courses. Use the Analytics tool to proactively monitor student activity to detect retention issues, measure content success, and guide lecture preparation. Only Instructors of record for a section may view the Analytics tool for a book.
You can export the analytics to a .CSV file to open in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program.
Page reads on the dashboard are updated hourly.
Use the following steps to use the analytics tool:
Open the Courses view.
Find the course material for which you want to view analytics.
Click the white View Analytics button.
The Section view initially appears with the reading statistics for all of the students in your class who have registered at least one page read.
4. A Collapsible HOW TO USE: section is located at the top of the screen.
5. (Optional) Click any student's name to open a Student view of the student's reading and engagement over time.
The Section view provides a course-wide representation of which pages of a course material a student has read and how many times they have read it. The top and bottom of the chart (x-axis) showcases the earliest and furthest page read by any student in the section. Each student's row shows a blue bar that indicates which pages of the book a student has read. The more intense the blue, the longer the student remained on the page. The student must spend at least 10 seconds on a page in order for Engage to count that page as read.
You can hover your mouse pointer over the chart to see exactly which page in the material the section applies to. You can click a student's row to see a time-based Student View of how a student has interacted with your content over the course of the class.
The Student View shows the number of pages of a course material that a student has read over time. Access the Student view by clicking a student's name in the Section view. This view is helpful to understand patterns of engagement with content and, more importantly, help you gain insight into student performance.
You can also export the stats as a .CSV file by clicking the Export button inside both views. You can export stats for the entire section with the export button in the Section view, or for one individual student with the export button in the Student view. The export file contains the columns listed below. NOTE: The columns with labels "index" are essential to the export functioning properly, but are not expected to be used by instructors. The numbers on these columns will not match up to expected page numbers.
student_id - An Engage-generated number that identifies the student.
name - The name of the student as it appears in your institution's LMS.
date - The date on which the reading occurred. The file contains a separate row for each student for each date.
first_page_read - The first page the student read on that date.
last_page_read - The last page the student read on that date.
lowest_page_read - The lowest page number the student read on that date.
highest_page_read - The highest page number the student read on that date.
all_pages_read_sequence - A complete list of the pages, in order, that the student read on that date. The format of the pages read list will include brackets, and "pages read" is measured as at least 10 seconds spent on a particular page.
first_page_read_index - The index of the first page the student read on that date. NOTE: This column is not expected to be used by instructors.
last_page_read_index - The index of last page the student read on that date. NOTE: This column is not expected to be used by instructors.
lowest_page_read_index - The index of the lowest page number the student read on that date. NOTE: This column is not expected to be used by instructors.
highest_page_read_index - The index of the highest page number the student read on that date. NOTE: This column is not expected to be used by instructors.
all_pages_read_sequence_index - A complete list of the indexes of the pages, in order, that the student read on that date. The format of the pages read list will include brackets, and "pages read" is measured as at least 10 seconds spent on a particular page. NOTE: This column is not expected to be used by instructors.
Within the Analytics section, students are added once an initial “page read” of the textbook is created. A “page read” is tracked when a page is opened for at least 10 seconds. The student list is in descending (or reverse chronological) order. The student with the most recently created initial "page read” appears at the top of the list.
If the "View Analytics" button is clicked, but there are 0 page reads among all students in the section at the time, the following message will be displayed: "No reading data available for the date range"
No, the "View Analytics" button is section specific. If you use the same material for different sections, each section will have its own separate analytics dashboard.