Flat Files


Unizin members may have access to Canvas Data 2 flat files in a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket in the following formats: parquet

Please note in the future, we hope to support additional formats for the CD2 flat files. These formats include: csv, json, and tsv.

The CD2 flat files are updated every 24 hours. The Google Cloud Storage bucket contains all CD2 flat files for an institution, which can be downloaded. Unizin retains a rolling seven-day history of files.

To request access to Canvas Data 2 flat files, please submit a support ticket by emailing support@unizin.org.

Data Load Timing

Currently, Unizin pulls the flat files daily at 23:00 UTC for all institutions, except UF. UF's flat files are pulled daily at 14:00 UTC. Usually, this process takes no longer than 20 minutes. However, it can take up to 2 hours to complete, depending on Instructure.

User Access

Similar to all UDP user access requests, each individual must receive a Data Steward's written approval and submit it to Unizin via support ticket so access may be granted. A user must clearly indicate the method for which they want to consume the raw CD2 data (i.e. parquet flat files in GCS).

Last updated