Unizin Common Data Model
Last updated
Last updated
The UCDM establishes a common ontology for context data generated by learning tools, including the LMS.
Current version
Data to describe learners, learning environments, instruction, and learning processes.
Entity count
70 entities
Data dictionary
The Unizin Common Data Model (UCDM) is the Unizin standard for representing context data from across the teaching and learning ecosystem. By "context data" is meant data that describes learning environments, learning objects, and learners.
When implemented in a system like the Unizin Data Platform that integrates data from learning tools, the UCDM enables Higher Ed institutions to create a common representation of learning in data. That common representation becomes a valuable basis for University-led learning analytics, reserach, tool development, advising analytics, business intelligence, and other applications.
Unizin works with its partners to develop UDP Loading schemas, which define standard interfaces by which learning tools can push their data into data repository. UDP Loading schemas are derived from the UCDM as a subset of the data dictionary that is relevant to describe data from any particular learning tool.
The UCDM ontology and implementation complement behavioral learning data standards. In particular, Unizin is a strong supporter of the IMS Global Caliper standards. The UCDM is designed to align with the IMS Global Caliper standard.
For complete documentation of the Unizin Common Data Model, please visit our UCDM docs site.
The documentation on this site provides an overview of the UCDM that links to the complete documentation.