
UDP Marts

Daily Course Grade Record Mart Released


Release Date

January 14, 2025

Key Features

This is a new datamart that refreshes every day and appends the latest Canvas course scores for the current term. Its purpose is to retain a history of course scores throughout terms.

Every evening, we receive the scores table from CD2, and this has the latest snapshot of grades in courses, both for historical terms and current terms. The UDP takes the latest from the scores table and overwrites the course_gradeentity; the course_grade entity always shows the latest, most up-to-date version of course scores.

However, this approach loses the trend of how course grades change throughout terms. The daily course grade record mart compliments the course_gradeentity in the UDP by keeping a daily running snapshot of course scores.

It is not possible to recover daily course grades for historical terms, so the earliest data that will populate the mart is January 14, 2025. For institutions that have no active terms at the time of this release, the mart will appear empty until the next term begins.

The table is partitioned on the run_date field, so including date ranges in user queries will help optimize BQ scan costs.

Last updated