
UDP Marts

Metrics Logic in Taskforce Marts, Supporting UT Austin


Release Date

September 12, 2024

Key Features

Weighted Assignment Metrics in Taskforce Marts

Based on feedback from PSU, these logic changes to the taskforce marts change how the avg_published_score metrics are defined when there are no assignment weights defined for the given week. Before, the avg_published_score fields were null if there were no weights defined for the week. We now define the unweighted score in these cases instead.

      WHEN SUM(assignment_group_weight) = 0 
        THEN SUM(published_score)/SUM(points_possible) 
      WHEN SUM(assignment_group_weight) > 0 
        THEN SUM(assignment_group_weight*published_score_pct)/SUM(assignment_group_weight) 
      END AS avg_published_score

Furthermore, we have introduced metrics for counting weighted assignments as we do unweighted assignments.

Marts Affected

  • mart_helper.taskforce__level1_assignments_submissions

  • mart_taskforce.level1_aggregated

  • mart_taskforce.level2_aggregated

  • mart_taskforce.level2_course_week_metrics

  • mart_taskforce.level2_course_weekly_distribution_summary

Supporting UT Austin

UT Austin's new UDP instance now has full support of UDP marts.

File Interaction Partitioning at Monthly Level

The partitioning for the mart_course_offering.file_interaction and mart_course_section.file_interaction marts now partition on the created_date of the file at the monthly level.

BigQuery has a partition limit of 4000 for table updates, and keeping the partitioning at a daily level of created_date throws errors for tenants with Canvas instances longer than 11 years. The partitioning by month on created_date yields a maximum of 333 years of partitions, solving this potential issue for tenants moving forward.

Last updated


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