Content Request Tool


Instructors, Course coordinators, and Program administrators may submit content requests when a catalog item they wish to use is not available in the master catalog. A content request is just that – a user-submitted request for a particular content title. When Unizin Publisher Services receives a content request, it begins investigating whether and how Unizin can deliver that content under its publisher agreements.

The Content request tool enables Instructors, Course coordinators, and Program administrators to stay on top of content requests – their status, going about dialog, etc. Unizin considers content requests to be customer service requests for content titles. The Content request tool helps manage the service request, which can sometimes take weeks or months to fulfill or otherwise make a determination about.

Navigating to the Content request tool

To access the Content request tool, the user shall navigate to the Header and select the Order menu and click Content Requests.

Anatomy of a Content request

Once submitted, all Content requests are given a status which helps track their progress through the Content Request Lifecycle. The details can be displayed or hidden by using the toggle on the right. The following are the possible statuses of a content request:


The content request was submitted by the user and is not yet under review.


Unizin Publisher Services is now reviewing the request and researching whether we can deliver the content.


The content request is approved, meaning it will be delivered as part of its order.


Unizin Publisher Services has denied the request. It cannot be delivered.


The user has cancelled the content request.

In various parts of Order Tool, the status of a content request will be both an icon and a label. The status icons are useful shortcuts to identify a status, filter by it, etc.


Unizin Publisher Services will provide updates to a content request by changing its status or by adding comments to the content request. These comments will be used to update the user about whether Unizin can fulfill a content request or not. Comments connected to a content request are presented in many places in Order Tool.

Interacting with the Content request tool

The Content request tool offers centralized management of the content requests for one or more academic terms at one or more campuses.

Roles and permissions

The Content request tool grants different privileges to users based on their role and permissions:

  • Program administrators are able to see all content requests for all terms and campuses.

  • Course coordinators are permitted to see all content requests for sections that they are permitted to manage.

  • Instructors are permitted to see all content requests for sections that they're assigned to teach.

In short, the Content request tool follows the same permissions applied across Order Tool for Instructors, Course coordinators, and Program administrators.

Filtering results

Once inside the Content request tool, users may apply filters to narrow down the list of content requests they review.

There are three main filtering options:

  • Term & Campus: based on their affiliation with an order, all content requests can be filtered by an academic term and/or campus.

  • Key Terms: users may input key terms, which are matched against attributes of the content request.

  • Status: all content requests have a workflow status (e.g., Submitted, Researching, etc.).


When a user inputs key terms into the search bar, Order Tool will match the terms against the titles of content requests.

Sorting results

A sorting menu enables users to sort their content request results along two main dimensions:

  • Recent changes. Content requests are considered changed if:

    • A new comment is added to the content request.

    • The status of the content request has changed (e.g., moved from "Researching" to "Approved").

  • Age. The age of a content request is based on the date it was submitted by a user.

The sorting options enable users to sort along both dimensions above based on how recent or old the change or age is of a content request.

Inspector information

Users can inspect individual content requests to gain further information about their status; the order to which they're attached; and all comments related to the section. To inspect a content request, click the ellipses to bring up a menu of options.

The menu options include:

  • View details. View more details about the Content request.

  • View order. Navigate to the order summary page for the order to which this content request is attached.

  • Report an issue. Send a support ticket to Unizin Services.

When users click View details, an overlay presents more information to the user.

  • The status of the content request.

  • All user-submitted metadata for the content request.

  • All comments by Unizin Publisher Services about the request.

  • Information about the content request's attached Order.

Report an issue

Selecting Report an Issue will allow users to directly contact Unizin Support to communicate any issues with the content requests.

Order details of a particular content request are captured in the drop-down menu. Click on "Show order details" underneath the Content Request title and status information. Order details of a content request may be useful for users to locate if you wish to report an issue, as they are associated with the content request and its attached order.

Users may also report an issue or provide feedback directly from the Content requests interface by clicking the megaphone icon, located at the bottom left of the page view.

A menu will appear and a user may directly contact Unizin Support to offer feedback or report an issue.

Email notifications

Users who place an order with an attached content request will receive email notifications when a content request status is updated by Unizin Publisher Services.

When an order is placed in the Order Tool, an order confirmation receipt is generated and delivered to the user who submits the order. Details pertaining to the content requests associated with the order are listed toward the bottom of the email notification summary.

When a content request status is updated from Submitted to Researching, an email notification is delivered to the user who submits the order. A comment may be provided by Unizin Publisher Services to describe further information.

When a content request status is updated from Researching to Approved, an email notification is delivered to the user who submits the order. A comment may be provided by Unizin Publisher Services to describe further information. Note how the previous content request status comment will appear at the bottom of the email notification and the most recent status comment for the content request is listed under the New Comment box.

When a content request status is updated from Researching to Denied, an email notification is delivered to the user who submits the order. A comment may be provided by Unizin Publisher Services to describe further status information. Note how the previous content request status comment appears at the bottom of the email notification and the most recent status comment for the content request is listed under the New Comment box.

When a content request is Cancelled, an email notification is delivered to the user who submits the order. Details of the cancelled content request will appear at the top of the notification receipt.

A user may cancel a content request, prior to submitting a new order, by selecting the red (X) icon from the Order Summary checkout page.

A user may also cancel a content request after they submit an order by going back to edit the order.

The user may edit an order to remove a content request that was previously submitted. Note: this action is limited by an Institution's ordering period. Instructors and Coordinators may edit an order if the ordering period window is open. Program administrators may edit an order at any time.

A user must click the "I agree" checkbox and then click the "Submit order" button to save any edits that are made to an order.

Last updated


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