Public catalog feature

Order Tool

Public catalog feature


Release Date


Key features

Opens an improved public catalog to course coordinators and instructors as well as program administrators. Course coordinators and instructors can easily browse the public catalog outside of ordering periods on both desktop and mobile.

In addition, duplicate and incomplete catalog items have been removed from the catalog. The public catalog accurately represents all catalog items available at your institution.


Information on the year-round public catalog feature is outlined below. In addition, other minor improvements are included in this release. Please see updated documentation on our resources site.

Year-round catalog access for course coordinators and instructors. All ordering personas including program administrators, course coordinators, and instructors can browse the public catalog both during and outside of ordering periods.

Duplicate content and incomplete content have been removed from the catalog. All duplicate catalog items have been removed from the catalog. Additionally, any catalog items missing either a title or at least one ISBN have been removed from the catalog. Duplicate and incomplete catalog items can no longer be added to the catalog.

Minor catalog search improvements. Users can search for content by either the 10-digit ISBN or 13-digit ISBN.

Updated pricing and catalog item details in the public catalog. The average price and associated savings for catalog items are based on all past, present, and future offers. Course coordinators and instructors can view details that include the publication date, version, author, ISBNs, and description. In addition, Program Administrators only can exempt the title from student choice and view offer history in the details view.

Coming soon and unavailable catalog items. Publishers provide the availability status of catalog items. Pricing and savings information will be displayed for available catalog items only. If a catalog item is not available and has a publication date in the future, the item will be described as “coming soon”. If a catalog item is unavailable according to the publisher, it will be described as such in the public catalog.

Updated “ordering is open” banner in the public catalog and help page. An “ordering is open” banner will specify the terms where the ordering period is open for the specific user. The user will only see this banner if the ordering period is open for sections where the user can place an order. Otherwise, the banner will not be displayed to the user.

Improved mobile experience for catalog browsing and ordering. All ordering personas can more easily browse the public catalog on a mobile browser. In addition, the mobile experience for placing an order, viewing order history, and reviewing content requests has also been improved to better support ordering and related tasks when you’re away from your desk.

Email whitelist option for UAT tenants. A new option supports email receipts in your UAT tenant for email addresses that are included in the “whitelist” option. If an email is not included in this list, then the receipt will not be sent from your UAT tenant. The goal of this feature is to prevent emails from being sent to non-whitelisted users, such as students and instructors, when sponsor teams are testing in their UAT tenant. The Services team can configure this option for you. In addition to all Program Administrators, our recommendation is to create an email group (e.g. that can be updated as needed. In order for this email group option to work, users must have their email address updated to the group address via your SIS Feed.

Known Issues


Last updated