Scope of Services

Unizin offers each Member Institution an Unizin Data Warehouse (UDW). A UDW provides an institution-wide data warehouse solution for Canvas Data. UDWs are offered as a full-service product. Once implemented, UDWs are generally updated daily (based on the availability of Canvas Data, which is issued every 24-36 hours).

Amazon Redshift

The Unizin Data Warehouse uses Amazon Redshift, a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse. Each Member UDW is a Redshift database hosted within an Unizin-managed Amazon Redshift cluster. Unizin's Redshift clusters are high-uptime, load-balanced, and secure. Computing resources auto-scale to meet Member UDW need.

Read-only Data Warehouse

Member UDWs are presently read-only.

Last updated